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All APIs can be accessed through the Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap object. To construct this object, you need to supply your API key, the PSR-18-compatible HTTP client and the PSR-17-compatible HTTP request factory:

use Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap;

$owm = new OpenWeatherMap('YOUR-API-KEY', $httpClient, $httpRequestFactory);

Note: From now on, we will refer to the instance of Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap as $owm.


use Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap;
use Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap\Exception as OWMException;
use Http\Factory\Guzzle\RequestFactory;
use Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client as GuzzleAdapter;

// If you are not using a PHP framework that has included Composer's autoloader for you,
// you'll need to `require` the autoloader script before working with this API:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// If you installed the recommended PSR-17/18 implementations, here's how to create the
// necessary `$httpClient` and `$httpRequestFactory`:
$httpRequestFactory = new RequestFactory();
$httpClient = GuzzleAdapter::createWithConfig([]);

$owm = new OpenWeatherMap('YOUR-API-KEY', $httpClient, $httpRequestFactory);

try {
$weather = $owm->getWeather('Berlin', 'metric', 'de');
} catch(OWMException $e) {
echo 'OpenWeatherMap exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' (Code ' . $e->getCode() . ').';
} catch(\Exception $e) {
echo 'General exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' (Code ' . $e->getCode() . ').';

echo $weather->temperature;

Unit objects

Most values like temperature, precipitation, etc., are returned as instances of the Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap\Util\Unit class. These objects provide you with the value (e.g., 26.9), the unit (e.g., °C), and sometimes a description (e.g., heavy rain). To make this clearer, let's look at a concrete example:

$weather = $owm->getWeather('Berlin', 'metric');
// @var Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap\Util\Unit $temperature
$temperature = $weather->temperature->now;

$temperature->getValue(); // 26.9
$temperature->getUnit(); // "°C"
$temperature->getDescription(); // ""
$temperature->getFormatted(); // "26.9 °C"
$temperature->__toString(); // "26.9 °C"

Caching requests

You can automatically cache requests by supplying a PSR-6-compatible cache as the fourth constructor parameter and the time to live as the fifth parameter:

use Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap;

// Cache time in seconds, defaults to 600 = 10 minutes.
$ttl = 600;

$owm = new OpenWeatherMap('YOUR-API-KEY', $httpClient, $httpRequestFactory,
$cache, $ttl);

You can check whether the last request was cached by calling ->wasCached():


if ($owm->wasCached()) {
echo "last request was cached";
} else {
echo "last request was not cached";

Exception handling

Make sure to handle exceptions appropriately. Whenever the OpenWeatherMap API returns an exception, it is converted into an instance of Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap\Exception. As a special case, the API will throw a Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap\NotFoundException if the city/location/coordinates you are querying cannot be found. This exception inherits from Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap\Exception.

If anything else goes wrong, an exception inheriting from \Exception is thrown.

use Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap\Exception as OWMException;
use Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap\NotFoundException as OWMNotFoundException;

try {
$weather = $owm->getWeather('Berlin');
} catch (OWMNotFoundException $e) {
// TODO: Handle "city was not found" exception
// You can opt to skip the handler for `OWMNotFoundException`, because it extends `OWMException`.
} catch (OWMException $e) {
// TODO: Handle API exception
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// TODO: Handle general exception